Partecipation in groundswell activities



During my Social Media class, thanks to Becky Carroll, I had the great opportunity to read the book ‘Groundswell’.

According to the authors Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff – two top analysts from Forrester Research – the groundswell is “a social trend in which people use technologies to get the things they need form each other, rather than from traditional institutions like corporations”.

One of the most useful concept they describe in their book is the ‘social technographics profile’. In other words, they define a user segmentation ladder, in order to explain the role the users play in the network.

Using this ladder, Forrester Research created a tool to show how people participate in the Network activities.

In an interesting post in his blog, Vincenzo Cosenza – manager director at Digital PR in Rome – analyses the Italian network population, using the ladder criteria.

I believe that the increasing involvement of Italian population is mainly due to the success of social media like Facebook, YouTube, blogs, etc., even though we haven’t understood how important is to engage people, customers, and to listen to them.

I hope that more and more people could understand the importance of these media, not only as ‘friendship’ tools, but also to spread out new ideas and knowledge. Not important if you use the Network for business or for your personal aim, but I think that this place of ‘digital democracy’ could help to improve our future.

Please, let me know your opinion also about ‘Groundswell’ and the ‘ladder’ tool!