Iran: the endless Green Wave

As I believe that sometimes  it’s fundamental keeping the focus on facts, news, ideas that people can easily forget, I’d like to talk once again about Iran’s  Green Wave.

Few weeks ago I wrote a post about important screenings that took place in NY and LA. Have you been there?

If you didn’t have the chance to be there, I suggest to read the report by Yelena Posniak on Shoot4Change

She worked hard, but the result was great.

Don’t stop staying tuned with the Green Wave and Shoot4Change


Today, attacks and clashes were reported in Iran‘s capital as the opposition leadership has called on its supporters  to continue the protests that began after the disputed victory of Ahmadinejad in the presidential election in June

As the normal telecommunications are censored, opposition is spreading information by word of mouth or by text messaging using bluetooth wireless protocol, which despite its limited range is hard to block.

From all over the world, the Green Wave is increasing, helped by bloggers, websites, social networks. In one word … Internet.

I’m proud to inform you that SHOOT4CHANGE,  “a  platform of initiatives carried out by photographers (both pros and amateurs), designers, artists and other dreamers …” born in Italy, is presenting two movies by an important Iranian director: Daryush Shokof.

These are the two appointments:

Iran Zendan
Heavens Taxi

February 14, 2010
Anthology Film Archives
32 2nd Avenue
New York City
1pm – 4pm

February 18, 2010
Laemmle Theatres
11523 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA
3pm – 6pm